
Idaho Historical Society Chairman Martain Stinnett (Documentary Photo #ff342):

It should really come as no mystery why the University of Idaho would restrict access to precious historical documents.  Such things are fragile, and not just anyone with a frivolous purpose should be allowed to handle and possibly damage them.

Borah moved to Idaho when he was twenty-six in 1891, and opened a law practice on Main street next to what is now the Egyptian Theater.  He later became a prosecuting attorney.  As a defense lawyer, he didn't find much success, losing fifty-seven of his seventy-two criminal cases. 

When I discussed this project with a friend of mine from Borah High School, she told me that the U of I has his collected papers.  On hand in the University of Idaho Library's Special Collections are a series of Borah’s scrapbooks and correspondence. Even though I’m a student at the University, the library staff wouldn’t let me view any of it. You can see what is supposed to be contained in the collection, a master inventory, but not the actually contents.

Evidence at the site: none.